Friday, November 13, 2009

Who Is Failure = Obama :: According to Google

I always remember the old days when Google bombs worked fine and we use to see irrelevant or sometimes funny results for various search terms.

Recently, many experts reported a similar incident that proves Google is still not completely bomb proof.

Search for "who is failure" in Google or just click here and you will be amused. : )

Incase you are wondering what Google bomb is please visit

Also, if you miss it; because I am sure that Google will take the necessary steps to clean up the mess, below is a screenshot that I took for archival purposes ;)

who is failure
Click on the image

And here are a few amusing rankings as mentioned on SearchEngineLand

Google: “Failure,” “miserable failure” and “who is a failure” bring up neither Bush nor Obama in the top 50 results, but “who is failure” ranks Obama #1.
Ask: “Failure” doesn’t find Bush or Obama in the top 50 result. For “miserable failure,” Bush ranks #45. For “who is a failure,” neither ranks. For “who is failure,” Obama ranks #1, as with Google.

Bing: For “failure,” the Bush bio ranks #2 for me. It ranks #3 for “miserable failure.” It ranks #2 for “who is a failure” and “who is failure.”

Yahoo: For “failure,” Bush ranks #11. Bush ranks #5 for “miserable failure.” His bio ranks #16 for “who is a failure.” For “who is failure,” neither Bush nor Obama rank in the top 50 results.

I have very little enthusiasm to actually verify them all but can give it a try I hope you won’t be disappointed.

Do post any such funny fact that you come across in the comments.


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