Friday, November 13, 2009

Who Is Failure = Obama :: According to Google

I always remember the old days when Google bombs worked fine and we use to see irrelevant or sometimes funny results for various search terms.

Recently, many experts reported a similar incident that proves Google is still not completely bomb proof.

Search for "who is failure" in Google or just click here and you will be amused. : )

Incase you are wondering what Google bomb is please visit

Also, if you miss it; because I am sure that Google will take the necessary steps to clean up the mess, below is a screenshot that I took for archival purposes ;)

who is failure
Click on the image

And here are a few amusing rankings as mentioned on SearchEngineLand

Google: “Failure,” “miserable failure” and “who is a failure” bring up neither Bush nor Obama in the top 50 results, but “who is failure” ranks Obama #1.
Ask: “Failure” doesn’t find Bush or Obama in the top 50 result. For “miserable failure,” Bush ranks #45. For “who is a failure,” neither ranks. For “who is failure,” Obama ranks #1, as with Google.

Bing: For “failure,” the Bush bio ranks #2 for me. It ranks #3 for “miserable failure.” It ranks #2 for “who is a failure” and “who is failure.”

Yahoo: For “failure,” Bush ranks #11. Bush ranks #5 for “miserable failure.” His bio ranks #16 for “who is a failure.” For “who is failure,” neither Bush nor Obama rank in the top 50 results.

I have very little enthusiasm to actually verify them all but can give it a try I hope you won’t be disappointed.

Do post any such funny fact that you come across in the comments.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

User Interface For Keywords Updated on Webmaster Tools

Google recently announced updates about the keyword and Webmaster tools.

Now there is a better way to compare the frequency of a keyword to the frequency of the most popular keyword on your site. Also, you will get a list of up to 10 URLs which contain the keyword that you have selected from the list displayed in your webmaster tools.

In short Google will:
  1. Tell you how often a keyword is found.
  2. Displays top URLs that contain the keyword.
  3. Data updated daily.
Also as suggested by the team at Google; this will also help you identify which URLs may have been hacked. (This is a possibility and some of my friends this problem frequently.)

You can just look for key words such as ‘casino’, ‘Viagra’, etc which you believe don’t relate to your site and are getting you unnecessary traffic. Short list the source URL and clean them up if required.

Here are few images related to the updates.

Its the Webmaster Tools' Team ;-]