Saturday, April 18, 2009

General And SEO Checklist Before Launching a Website

Couple of days back I came across this article on some important and necessary checks before the official launch of a website on This website. Just for quick reference I decided to summarize the important points mentioned in the article.

The webpage elements that should be doulbe checked before launch of the website are:

1. Titles And Meta Data

Page title is the most important element for SEO and is also important so that users know what’s on the page. Make sure it changes on every page and relates to that page’s content.

Meta description and keyword tags are somewhat important for SEO, so it is a good idea to include them. Change the description on each page to make it relate to that page’s content, because this is often what Google displays in its search result description.

2. Links on the Webpage

Make sure all the links on the website work. Add “http://” to links to external websites. Make sure the logo links to the home page.

The links should be distinguishable from the plain text of the webpage. Also, use a different color for the links that user has already visited.

It is a good practice to use W3C Link Checker to check for any broken links.

3. Sitemap

Add a sitemap.xml file to your root directory this allows the major search engines to easily index your website.

It can be easily generated using

Also, add your website and sitemap to Google Webmaster Tools. This tells Google that you have a sitemap, and the service provides useful statistics on how and when your website was last indexed.

4. Custom 404 Page

It’s a good practice to use a custom 404 page. If a user requests a page that doesn’t exist, a 404 page is displayed. You can read more about this topic on

5. Form validation

Test all the form fields to make sure that if there is an error, the user is provided with enough feedback to be able to fix it.

6. Analytics

Use some sort of analytics such as Google Analytics to see how the website performs and how successful the conversion rates are. Track daily unique hits, monthly page views, browser statistics and more.

7. Back Up

Back as frequently as possible cause a day will come when you regret not having one. If you search, you will find plugins for auto backup. USE THEM.

8. Cross-Browser Checks

It is important that the website works across browsers. It doesn’t have to be pixel perfect, but everything should work, and the user shouldn’t see any problems. The most popular browsers to check are Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8, Firefox 3, Safari 3, Chrome, Opera and the iPhone.

9. Functionality Check

Test everything thoroughly. If you have a contact form, test it and copy yourself so that you can see what comes through. Get others to test the website, and not just family and friends but the website’s target market. Sit back and watch how a user uses the website. It’s amazing what you’ll pick up on when others use the website differently than how you assume they’d use it. Common things to check for are contact forms, search functions, shopping baskets and log-in areas.

10. Proofread

Read everything. Even if you’ve already read it, read it again. Get someone else to read it. There’s always something you’ll pick up on and have to change. See if you can reduce the amount of text by keeping it specific. Break up large text blocks into shorter paragraphs. Add clear headings throughout, and use lists so that users can scan easily. Don’t forget about dynamic text too, such as alert boxes.

Hope these points prove to be useful to you in some way. Please don't forget to read the SEO Guideline, these guidelines are extreamly important.

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